Participation in Special Interest Groups (SIGs) is one of the benefits of AAACN membership.
Sign up for your first SIG, or join another. It's easy and fast! AAACN members can join one or more of the following SIGs:
- Leadership
- Patient/Staff Education
- Pediatrics
- Telehealth
- Tri-Service Military
- Veterans Affairs
- View the SIG Menu
Do you already belong to a SIG, and are interested in joining another - then Join a AAACN SIG or 2!
AAACN members will be prompted to log in to your member account (if you are not already).
When you join a SIG, you will have access to the SIG Connected Community, an online forum for networking and knowledge sharing.
If you are not a member of AAACN, find out the many benefits of membership.