Member Directory

American Academy of Ambulatory Care Nursing (AAACN) members can find other members in our Membership Directory.

Did you meet a helpful member at the conference but forgot to get their email address?

Are you looking for local members to invite to a meeting?

Find them in the Member Directory!

Enter a first or last name, state, or country to search. Your search will provide names, addresses, and emails.

What it’s For
What it’s Not For
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One-on-one contact with individual members you’ve interacted with or would like to reach out to in a professional capacity.

Tip: You can also locate members within the Connected Community.
The Member Directory may not to be used for any commercial or research purposes. 

If you are looking for advertising opportunities, contact the National Office with the details of your project or opportunity.
If you’d prefer to not participate in the Member Directory and would like your name and information to be unsearchable.

Opt out in your member profile information.
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