Congratulations to our incoming leaders!
Rachel Start, MSN, RN, NEA-B, FAAN, was selected as the next President-Elect of AAACN. Rachel is Associate Vice President, Medicine, Behavioral and Emergency Services at Rush University Medical Center. She has served on the Board of Directors (BOD) since 2020.
Rachel will serve as President-Elect in 2022-2023 and become President in spring of 2023. The BOD appoints the President-Elect, ensuring the most qualified member to lead AAACN is selected by those most knowledgeable to make this important selection.
Cynthia L. Murray, BN, AMB-BC, and Stephanie Witwer, PhD, RN, NEA-BC, FAAN, were elected to serve as Directors on the BOD for 3-year terms. The BOD is the governing body of AAACN, sets the organization’s strategic direction, ensures resources, and provides oversight.
Cynthia is Clinical Nurse Advisor for the Primary Care Office of Nursing Services for the Veterans Health Administration in Washington, DC. A member of AAACN since 2008, Cynthia has served as a Care Coordination and Transition Management (CCTM) Core Curriculum 2nd Edition author, Chair/Editor of the Ambulatory-, CCTM-, and Telehealth Scope & Standards publications, an elected member of the Nominating Committee, and as a member of many Teams and Task Forces. She received the AAACN Administrative Excellence Award in 2021.
Stephanie is Nurse Administrator of Primary Care at the Mayo Clinic in Minnesota and has been a member of AAACN since 2012. She has served as Co-Editor of the Core Curriculum for Ambulatory Care Nursing, 4th Ed., Chair/Editor of the Ambulatory Care Nursing Review Questions, 5th Ed., a Team Lead for the Academic-Practice Partnerships Guidelines Task Force, Co-Chair of the RN Position Paper Revision Task Force, author and reviewer of the CCTM Core Curriculum, and a ViewPoint Column Editor and Reviewer. Stephanie was the recipient of the Above and Beyond Award as well as the Administrative Excellence Award in 2019.
Lisa Duncan, DNP, MBA, RN, AMB-BC, CIC, NEA-BC, has been elected to serve as member of the 2022-2024 Nominating Committee. Lisa served on the Nurse Executive Task Force, which produced the Ambulatory Care Nurse Executive Toolkit. The Nominating Committee identifies qualified AAACN members to run for elected offices and oversees the annual election and awards and scholarships processes.