Just-Launched Nursing Certification in Care Coordination Means Smoother Passage through the Health Care System.
PRESS RELEASE: PITMAN, NJ – Navigating through today’s health care system can be a maze of confusion for even the savviest of patients. Thanks to a new nursing certification in care coordination and transition management (CCTM), patients will have a vastly improved chance of getting the right care at the right time by the right provider.
The exam was launched by the Medical-Surgical Nursing Certification Board (MSNCB) September 1. MSNCB collaborated with the American Academy of Ambulatory Care Nursing (AAACN), which contributed additional leadership and expertise, along with study resources.
Nurses who pass the exam will earn the credential Certified in Care Coordination and Transition Management (CCCTM).
“Nurses have been coordinating care and managing transitions for decades, however the need for -- and complexity of -- care coordination has increased dramatically,” MSNCB President Mimi Haskins, DNP, RN, CNS, CMSRN, said.
/The CCCTM credential will validate the knowledge and expertise of RNs in this role. Patients and facilities will reap the benefits of better coordinated and more cost-effective care, including preventive and health promotion strategies.
The exam is administered by MSNCB and is based on AAACN’s Care Coordination and Transition Management Core Curriculum. RNs who have a minimum of 2 years’ experience in a CCTM role and at least 2,000 hours of CCTM practice within the last 3 years are eligible.
The pressure on health care facilities to achieve better outcomes is greater now than ever before, Haskins explained.
“This means registered nurses who have earned the CCCTM credential will be in great demand and will have a competitive edge in the job market,” she said.
Complete information about the CCCTM exam is available at www.msncb.org/cctm-exam.
A Much-Needed Certification
The focus on CCTM began several years ago when AAACN leaders Sheila A. Haas, PhD, RN, FAAN, Beth Ann Swan, PhD, CRNP, FAAN, and Traci S. Haynes, MSN, RN, BA, CEN, identified that the RN role in care coordination is desperately needed in all health care settings – from acute care to ambulatory care and everything in between – because patients were falling through the cracks in the system.
The organization started the care coordination ball rolling by producing the Core Curriculum as well as core competencies and a 13 module online course. The AAACN leaders then reached out to MSNCB’s experts and the CCCTM exam was born.
AAACN President Nancy May, MSN, RN-BC, said CCCTM nurses will manage patients with complex health care needs from an access, quality, and cost perspective.
“The nurses will be the go-to experts in facilities who help patients navigate the system,” she said. “This means better outcomes and lower costs.”
MSNCB (msncb.org) is an independently incorporated certification board. Its mission is to validate excellence in medical-surgical nursing. MSNCB also administers the Certified Medical-Surgical Registered Nurse (CMSRN) exam which is accredited by the Accreditation Board for Specialty Nursing Certification (ABSNC).
AAACN (aaacn.org) is a welcoming, unifying community for registered nurses in all ambulatory care settings. Founded 39 years ago, this specialty nursing organization’s mission is to advance the art and science of ambulatory care nursing.
About the Academy of Medical-Surgical Nurses (AMSN)
The Academy of Medical-Surgical Nurses (AMSN) (amsn.org) is the only specialty nursing organization dedicated to medical-surgical nursing practice. Its mission is to promote excellence in medical-surgical nursing. For more information, about AMSN, visit the AMSN Website; phone: 866-877-2676; fax: 856-218-0557; or email: amsn@ajj.com.
Janet D'Alesandro