For the 18th year in a row, Americans rate the honesty and ethics of nurses highest among a list of professions that Gallup asks U.S. adults to assess annually.
U.S. House Passes Title VIII Nursing Workforce Act...
Leading off this issue is the article: "From Anger to Agreement," by Kathryn Koehne...
Urge your legislators to co-sponsor the Addiction Treatment Access Improvement Act and to support its consideration when the full House and Senate take up their respective opioid bills/packages...
As 2019 comes to a close, we’re pleased to share some AAACN accomplishments from the past year, as well as exciting initiatives planned for 2020.
Veteran Patients Need Nurses who Understand Their Struggles.
Videoconferencing tools such as Skype, combined with wearables like Fitbits, are laying the foundation for virtual care to revolutionize all aspects of the health space.
Deena Gilland, DNP, RN, NEA-BC, AAACN National Director; and Stephanie Witwer, PhD, RN, NEA-BC, were recently inducted into the 2019 class of Fellows of the American Academy of Nursing (Academy), one of the most prestigious honors in nursing.